Kam gerade über die CCC-Mailingliste rein. Wie es aussieht wurde ein Betreiber eines französischen TOR-Ausgangsservers vorrübergehend verhaftet, weil über seine Addresse Kinderpornos heruntergeladen wurden.

Zitat aus der Mail:

Last wednesday morning, at 7:45, three cops did knock at my door. They suspected me to have downloaded some child porn videos. As I was waking up, I understood it was tor-related. I did explain them I was a TOR outside gateway, but they didn't knew about it. They searched everywhere in my small home and took every support they could find: hard drives they removed from computers, cds, disks, and then they took me to the police station, at the child protection service, jailing me the whole day while they was searching my hard drives and cds for traces of the video they was looking for.

Schade sowas, trotzdem zweifelt er nicht an der Daseinsberechtigung von anonymen Netzen:

It's sad the way some people use their freedom, e.g. participating in child abuse, but I'm still a strong believer in the necessity of anonymity on the internet.

Hier gibt es die ganze Mail.